Volume - 8, Issue - 4( Oct / Nov / Dec /

Title : An Investigation of Effective Grammar Teaching Method:The Experimental Study at St. John Catholic School, Ethiopia

Author's Name :O.Lamessa(1),(2)

Author's Details :1.Lecturer, Department of English, Kotebe University of Education, SSC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...2.Research Scholar, Department of English, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India


Title : CWD Chawl: A Microcosmic Space in Nagarkar’s Ravan and Eddie

Author's Name :1.Divya Joshi.....2.Monika Chopra

Author's Details :1.Department of English, Govt. Dungar College, Bikaner....2. Research Scholar, MGSU, Bikaner


Title : Malgudi world in the Novels of R.K Narayan

Author's Name :Dr.Ohm Shrivastava,

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Department of English, K.S Saket P.G College, Ayodhya, U.P


Title : A story of dormant kindness and love: Explicating the metamorphosis of the brute to the benevolent in K A Abbas' "Sparrows"

Author's Name :Dr Mini V S,

Author's Details :Asst Professor, St Xavier's College for Women, Aluva


Title : Chetan Bhagat’s ‘The 3 Mistakes of My Life’: An Elucidation from The Perspective of Realism

Author's Name :Dr. Ram Janam

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Department of English, Gayatri Vidyapeeth P.G. College Risia, Bahraich, (U.P.)


Title : The Trauma of Familial Rape: A Study of Morrison, Walker, and Angelou

Author's Name :Dr.Minakshi Lahkar

Author's Details :Associate Professor, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 34 Ganga Apartments, Alaknanda, New Delhi --110019


Title : The Role of English Language Fluency in Global Engineering Collaboration

Author's Name :Dr.Narasinga Rao Barnikana

Author's Details :Lecturer in English, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University,Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh


Title : Paradise Lost, Book 1-A Critique of 17th Century England

Author's Name :Prachi Madaan

Author's Details :Final-year student of English Literature, (Honours Degree),University of Delhi,India


Title : Analysis of Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar” Through S´abda Vyāparās

Author's Name :1.Ms.Priyamvada.C...2.Dr.Maitali Khanna

Author's Details :1.Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of English Language and Literature, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Andhra Pradesh...2.Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Andhra Pradesh


Title : Translanguaging Practices in Multilingual Classroom Contexts: Implications for Pedagogy and Communication

Author's Name :Mona A. Alshihry

Author's Details :Assistant Professor English Department, Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University, Abha, Faraa,61421


Title : Study Practices of the Students of Higher Secondary (10+2) Schools

Author's Name :Dr Syed Firoz Ahmad

Author's Details :Principal, Paramount Academy(Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi up to 10+2 Level)Silout Bimal, Maniyari, Muzaffarpur, Bihar


Title : Confronting British Racism in a Muslim Diasporic Setting: Critiquing Shahid’s Quest for Identity in Hanif Kureishi’s ‘The Black Album’

Author's Name :Abhisek Das

Author's Details :Assistant Professor in English, Government General Degree College, Narayangarh, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal.


Title : Confronting British Racism in a Muslim Diasporic Setting: Critiquing Shahid’s Quest for Identity in Hanif Kureishi’s ‘The Black Album’

Author's Name :Abhishek Das

Author's Details :, Assistant Professor in English, Government General Degree College, Narayangarh, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal.


Title : Patriarchal Terrorism in Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen

Author's Name :Dr. Richa Mehta

Author's Details :Assistant Professor (English), A-22, Sadul Ganj, Bikaner 334001 Rajasthan,India.


Title : "Ecocriticism Meets Cinema: Peranbu Examines the relationship Between Nature and Society"

Author's Name :1.Madhumitha R2.Mr.Joshua L ,M.A.,B.Ed.

Author's Details :M.A English, mmitha593@gmail.com, Don Bosco college (Co_Ed) Yelagiri Hills.


Title : Portrayal of the women in Sivakami’s Grip of change

Author's Name :1.Mageswari A 2.Ms Maria Abisha Rani M

Author's Details :1.M.A English, Don Bosco college (Co_Ed) Yelagiri Hills.
2.M.A., B.Ed ., NET.


Title : The Central Role of Vibrations in D. H. Lawrence's Short Story The Rocking Horse Winner: A Study in the light of Philosophy of Brahmakumaris

Author's Name :Dr.Ayesha Khosla

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Department of English & Foreign Languages , G. S.S.D.G.S Khalsa College , Patiala- 147001,Punjab


Title : Love of Death and Death of Love in Modernist Poetry, T.S Eliot's ‘The Waste Land’

Author's Name :Milan Chakraborty,

Author's Details :Assistant Teacher in English (P.G.) Khantura Pritilata Shiksha Niketan for boys' (H.S.),North 24 Pargana, West Bengal


Title : The Importance of Speaking Skills in English Classrooms

Author's Name :K.Eedaiah

Author's Details :Research Scholar, Department of English, Osmania University


Title :Feminism in the poem My Husband Tongue is Bitter by Okot P’Bitek

Author's Name :1.Madhumitha R,...2.Mr.Joshua L

Author's Details :1.M.A English...2.Mr.Joshua L...(1)(2)Don Bosco college (co_ed) Yelagiri Hills


Title :The Hegemonic White Masculinity in Fitzgerald's Fiction

Author's Name :Syed Azeem Ali

Author's Details :Research Scholar, Department of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana ,Contact No: 9959190025, Alisyed2206@gmail.com


Title :Motivation in English Language Learning: A Study on Preparatory School Students at Universities

Author's Name :Cem Yağmur Genç

Author's Details :****


Title :Essentials of Qualitative Research in English Literature: A Critical Perspective

Author's Name :1.M. Sarika....2.Dr .R.V Jayanth Kasyap

Author's Details :1.Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English, Yogi Vemana University, Vema, Kadapa, India, mylarisarika@gmail.com.....2.M.A.MPhil., Ph.D,PGCTE,Associate Professor & Research Supervisor, Department of English, Yogi Vemana University, Vemanapuram, Kadapa, India


Title :Khona: A Silent Voice of Female Leadership in Patriarchal Hegemony

Author's Name :1.Tahmina Ahmed....2.Mohd. Moniruzzaman Akhand

Author's Details :1.Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Dhaka – 1000.....2.Associate Professor, Department of English, Eastern University Road 6, Block B, Ashulia Model Town, Savar, Dhaka – 1345


Title :Impact of Using Games on Enhancing Communication Skills

Author's Name:Dr. Osama Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed, Anwer Mohammed Elhassan Hussein, Dr. Mohammed Elsadig Hydar Elsheikh, Safa G Omer

Author's Details :Jazan University - English Language Institute osamazalama55@gmail.com, anwermohamad@gmail.com, md.elsadig21@gmail.com, safagahalla@gmail.com


Title :A Pragmatic Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Selected Political Speech

Author's Name:1.Suad Faisal Hassan...2.Prof. Dr. Salih Mahdi Adai AlMamoory

Author's Details :1.Babylon University, English Department, College of Education, Iraq, suad7149@gmail.com, ...2.inas.kadhim.iba@atu.edu.iq, Department of Nursing Technology, Technical Institute of Babylon,Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University(ATU), Iraq


Title :Article Review of Semantic Change

Author's Name:1.Prof. Dr. Hussain Hameed Mayuuf Humaidy(Ph D)...2.Asst. lect. Inas Haider Kadhim (M.A)

Author's Details :1.husm56@gmail.com, Babylon University, English Department, College of Education, Iraq...2.y salihmehdi@yahoo.com, Babylon University, English Department, College of Education for Human Sciences, Iraq



Author's Name:Yubee Gill

Author's Details :Associate Professor, Department of English, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar


Title :Understanding the Crucial Role of Listening Skills in Communication Enhancement and Academic Success

Author's Name:Nethikar Suresh,

Author's Details :M.Sc., M.A., M.Ed, Lecturer, Department of English,Sri Chakra College of Education, Ibrahimpatnam


Title :The Role of Effective Oral Communication Skills in Globalized English Education

Author's Name:Dr. M. Nivedita

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Head, Department of English, University College of Science, Saifabad (UCSS), Osmania University, Hyderabad


Title :The ability of Eco-Criticism to evaluate Indigenous literature

Author's Name:Dr Poonam,

Author's Details :Professor ,Dept of English ,Dr Bheem Rao Ambedkar Govt.College, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan


Title :Espionage System in Ancient India

Author's Name:Jeet Ram

Author's Details :(Assistant Professor History, Ch. Mota Ram Meel Memorial (PG) College, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, jeetram.gsn@gmail.com)


Title :Diaspora and the Duality of Self: An Analytical Exploration of Identity and Cultural Dislocation in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Before We Visit the Goddess and Oleander Girl

Author's Name:S. Prathibha Priyadarshini

Author's Details :Research Scholar, Department of English, Osmania University


Title :The Evolution of Legal Thriller: A Comprehensive Review of John Grisham's Works

Author's Name:Kompali Baskar¹,

Author's Details :Research Scholar (Ph.D) ,Department of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.


Title :Empowering the Roles and Skills of Dalits: Exploring Gogu Shyamala's Father May Be an Elephant and Mother Only a Small Basket, But...

Author's Name:Dr. Malavi Jeripotula

Author's Details :, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar, TS


Title :Methods to Improve Communication Skills and Group Dynamics

Author's Name:B.S. Sagar

Author's Details :Lecturer,Department of English, A.M.A.L College, Anakapalli, Andhra Pradesh – 531001.
